Most people think that the new year begins on January 1st. But for Oregon Symphony musicians, the new year starts at the beginning of September. Many of us have been traveling (to play in festivals, or visit family and friends around the world) or staying put (to teach and practice). Now, as the weather turns cooler and children go back to school, we gather together to find our seats on the stage of the Schnitzer and prepare for a new season of making music. The new year also means it's time to start planning for the next Classical Up Close festival! Our organizing committee met at Sarah and Vali's house on Monday, September 3rd to discuss dates, venues, and performers. The committee has seen a little change over the summer, as we welcome our two newest members: Mai Nguyen and Alicia Waite! Their experience and input is invaluable. Details about our seventh festival of free chamber music will be coming soon, but first, we have some very exciting news! This month we will begin a series of monthly outreach concerts for under-served communities throughout the Portland area called Pop-up Performances. We are excited to partner with agencies and facilities who do so much for our community. Our first Pop-up Performance will be from the always exciting Mousai Remix at 1 pm on September 18, at the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization at 10301 NE Glisan St., Portland, OR 97220. The performance will last an hour, and members of the public are welcome.
As always, thank you for your continued support. None of what we do would be meaningful if it weren't for you!
Up Close and